Flag of Austria


Where is Austria located?
Austria locator
Map of Austria
Map of Austria
Current Currency:Euro (EUR)
Old Currency:Austrian Schilling (ATS)
Official Languages:Austrian German, Hungarian, Slovene, Burgenland Croatian
Ethnic Groups:Austrians, ex-Yugoslavs, Germans, Turkish
Religions:Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Islam, Evangelical Christians
Borders:Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland
Country Calling Code:+43
Top Level Domain:.at
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:AT
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:AUT
Current weather in Austria
Current weather in
Vienna, Austria Austria

Local time is 20:57, 19 September 2024
Clear Sky
16.61 °C Feels like 16.36 °C
Sunrise at 06:37
Sunset at 18:59
1022 hpa
Temperature is from 14.83 °C to 17.96 °C
Wind is 3.09 m/s
Clouds: 0 %
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 19 September 2024 at 13:00
1 USD = 0,8988 EUR
1 EUR = 1,1126 USD